Tuesday 3 September 2013

Don't Stop Looking Out - The Master Is About To Be Revealed!

Life in Christ is amazing. Just when you think you have had all the experiences and there is nothing new to experience, then God lets you into another experience in which He reveals Himself yet again and in a deeper dimension. Each experience is often an opportunity for God not just to give us testimonies but also for us to experience Him differently so when we discuss His several different sides, we would be speaking with revelatory insight. Just before you start complaining in that experience, stop and think - could God be found even in this?

Job 1: 12 “All right, you may test him,” the Lord said to Satan. “Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don’t harm him physically.” So Satan left the Lord ’s presence.

Usually our attitude as believers is that God would not let us go through any bad experience so that our expectation is that since we live right, we need not have to experience fiery trials. unfortunately, when we then find ourselves in these trials, as it will surely happen from time to time, we are shocked and pained; wondering why God did not deliver us but if you are just a little patient, you will see and experience Him even deeper. Sadly, even when we move from that place of disappointment, we often switch to survival mode so that the only thing on my mind then becomes how to get out of the situation using our intellect. Meanwhile, all God wants to do is reveal Himself in that situation.

Daniel 3: 25 “Look!” Nebuchadnezzar shouted. “I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire unharmed! And the fourth looks like a god !”

My point is this; God does not always prevent that test or trial of your faith. His intention is sometimes to "come into the fire with you" so that even the enemies may see that He is bigger than any "fire situation." He sometimes permits for the righteous to be cast into the den of lions. Interestingly, He may not kill the lions but they just can't touch you because they understand the voice of The Master and unlike man, are unable to rebel against His voice. the right of choice was not given to them. Satan is so not smart otherwise he should have realized that these things end up making Him look even more stupid and causing one's light to shine even brighter because God will then reveal Himself yet again causing His glory to be revealed through the individual, like never before.

Psalm 34: 5 "Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces."

God will never allow those that trust Him to be put to shame so that they cannot suffer any permanent disappointment. At the end of the day, it will have to work for them and this is not about them but that glory may be given to God. The righteous shall only shine brighter and brighter as God through every experience, takes him higher and higher, taking all the glory for Himself.  Indeed, God permits these trials or experiences deliberately so that He often kills at least two birds with one stone. He reveals Himself specially to the righteous and puts the devil to shame getting all the glory. Never give up because you have not seen yet in the situation; He is in it with you and about to be revealed.


  1. It's the fear of the fire that keeps us from giving our all sometimes. I don't know about others o but I sometimes fear/wonder...''will I make it out complete, alive, with my mind intact?'' Guess what, you lose some things in the fire and the things you lose are the things that you never needed so that God can now step in to complete you.

  2. The fire is neccessary , brings to mind a song , just u wait nd see , Gods not tru with me now , I ll be pure as gold , to be pure as Gold we need to go tru fire
