Tuesday 17 September 2013

He Still Heals The Broken Hearted

I have been thinking about the woman at the well of Samaria and wondering how many of us are like her despite being saved and washed in the blood. As I lie on my back on my temporary bed, my heart goes out to all the sisters in Christ who though have been made whole and complete in Christ feel very inadequate and unworthy; who can only see themselves through the eyes of people who treat them disrespectfully and have been confined to a very limiting life by reason of who they have been told they are or by their past misdeeds which the blood has long washed away and is no longer remembered in heaven.

John 4: 9 "The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?”

The Samaritan woman was in a box. She was a woman and a Samaritan. In her mind, she was a "second class citizen" and she had lived with that thought for so long that though she may have desired to be better, she did not think anything could change. She had accepted what she considered her reality but it wasn't. She must have had very low self esteem though she looked normal outwardly. Her self esteem issues may have been some of the reasons she had so many men in her life. Unfortunately, when the opportunity came that could release her into the fullness of life and liberty, she did not recognize it.

John 4: 14 "But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

You don't need more than Jesus to quench that turmoil inside you and it is good to know that you can come to Him just the way you are and He will still turn your story around for good. For you sister, who is saved, you have the solution. You need to stop looking out for help ; the help you need is already in you in the person of the Holy Spirit. All you need to do is reach deep down in His word tapping into the strength that is made available in Him and inhaling richly. There is a sweet fragrance that comes from Him, filling and giving us strength on the inside and through us produces sweet fragrance in other lives too.

Psalm 147: 3 "He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds."

Worthless as you may be or feel, His presence in your life makes you precious and ought to change the way you see yourself. I know we sometimes feel the need to cover all of these insecurities with acquisitions but in truth these things do not heal the wounds of the heart nor do they take away the hurts or scars. They only mask them which may be more dangerous because masked hurts may cause one to do things they would never do ordinarily. For every woman in this state, the same Jesus at the well is here for you; waiting to heal your pain and quench your thirst with living water. In Him you get a sense of belonging and security. He does not want you to, like the woman at the well, go through five husbands before you stop and guess what! Nobody else needs to know that He is working healing in you.

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