Monday 21 March 2011

Beware! Dream Killers On The Prowl!!!!!

We have to be very careful to guard our God given dream and/or vision. We have to be careful who we share it with and even watch the word God gives us to encourage us until the dream is birth. As you and I know, the dream is always birthed in reality by the word of God. To guard your God given vision is to diligently protect it and focus on the word of God that will bring it to pass. To protect our dream is to be careful who we allow to make a contribution to the dream i.e. to be careful not to share the dream with dream killers. Their word or contribution is meant to kill the dream.

Psalm 1: 1NLT Oh! The joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.”

The dreams and visions that God gives us will sometimes go through several difficult turns before they become reality and at each turn, it appears like the dream will be aborted but God ultimately intends to bring it to pass which is why He gives us a word that keeps and encourages us to hold on as we go on. At each turn, satan wants to kill the dream and will use just about anyone or any thing that is useable. Sometimes Christians actually lend themselves to the enemy for use by him to destroy other people’s vision with words. Now this is when it gets worrisome and we should be discerning.

Dream killers are mockers. Sometimes they don’t realize but they are actually destroying the will of God on earth. They think they are smart but, as someone said, satan “borrows” them to destroy the seed of God in another man. If the seed of God in a man is destroyed, the man’s destiny is ultimately destroyed so the dream killer partners with satan whether deliberately or inadvertently to destroy destinies. The man’s destiny is part of God’s total vision to take over the earth. It is part of God’s grand plan to display His manifold wisdom on earth. So dream killers are actually not just being “smart”, though they may be born again, they are actually standing against God’s plan. What they want to achieve is - to superimpose the wisdom of the world on the wisdom of God.

Ephesians 3: 10NLT“God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display His wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.”

If you have a God given vision or dream, be careful who you share it with. If you accidentally find yourself sharing your dream with a dream killer, learn to shut down as soon as you find that the person is a dream killer. They are so desperate for attention that when they think they are not making an impact, they become more desperate to destroy the vision meanwhile they are Christians. Satan holds on to the seed of evil, jealousy, envy, pride etc, in them and stirs them up so that they loose a grip of themselves and become tools in the hands of the enemy. You need to help them by switching off and not taking in what they say. It is your responsibility to guard your dream until it is birthed.


  1. Awesome! Truth - Undiluted.

    These are really perilous times and we must really pray for the spirit of discernment. We must also be careful to examine ourselves and our views, so that we do not aid the enemy to stand against the will of God in the lives of His people; wittingly or unwittinly!.

  2. Sometimes people kill our dreams; sometimes we do it all by ourselves!
    May God help us never to entertain unbelief even for a second. Once the devil gets us through unbelief, then it's only a matter of time before everything comes crashing down.
    Thank God for His Word that is sufficient at all times to bring to birth every vision HE has given us. If only we will just focus on that!

  3. There is no going round the word of God. We have to study it and meditate on it. We have to live by this word. We are either going to trust God or leave HIm and we can't leave Him becasue He has life. Please buy the CD for the last Woman Cry out and i am sure you will hear a word that will increase your faith.
