Monday 7 March 2011

Hold On! Your 'Axe-Head' Too Shall Float To The Surface'!

I was not able to go to RCCG camp to be a part of the Holy Ghost service this past Friday but I actively participated via television. As I heard a man share his testimony of how God restored his marriage and his job after seven years, I was filled with excitement. His testimony was particularly interesting to me because for a while now, I have been meditating on God’s power and ability to restore all things.

Over the years, I have come to realize that there is nothing so lost God cannot restore. God even redeems the time which means He restores lost time. The way we expect Him to restore may not be the way He would ultimately restore. Sometimes, the restoration is actually a replacement but eventually you will find that His replacement is even much better than what you had. The fact of Him allowing a replacement is not because He could not have brought back any lost thing but in my opinion, He allows those things go because it is the best thing to do for the lost thing and the people that will be bear the loss.

Usually at the point when one suffers the loss, the enemy is excited and thinks he has won the victory but he keeps forgetting that the Almighty God is a restorer and never loses any battle. If you are reading this blog and have lost anything, I want to encourage you to rejoice as you look up to Him because “something good is coming your way” notwithstanding the length of the period of loss.

2 Kings 6: 3 “when they arrived at the Jordan, they began cutting down trees. But as one of them was cutting a tree, his ax head fell into the river. “Oh sir!” he cried. “It was a borrowed ax!” “where did it fall?” the man of God asked. When he showed him to the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it into the water at the spot. Then the ax head floated to the surface.

Recently, I have thought about above story a lot. God could not have put it there just to tell us about the sons of the prophets nor was it about the house they wanted to build or about Elisha. It was much more than all of those people. I have decided that God put the story there to demonstrate his power and also make us realize that no matter how lost anything is, He can find and restore it.

Sometimes when we lose things and it appears like God is asking us questions, do not be discouraged, he still intends to restore. You know in that time when He is asking questions, like Elisha was asking the man that lost his axe questions, it is natural to think why don’t you just do something before the loss becomes irreparable? But with Him, it never gets irreparable.

Indeed sometimes we don’t tell Him about the loss anymore because we think it is too late to do anything about it whilst sometimes we think it is too small for him to worry about. Any loss is loss and God is interested in restoration. What have you lost? I know a couple that was separated for over years and God restored their marriage several years ago. Today they are still together and very happily.

Is there anything too difficult for God?

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of one of the blogs in the 2009 Diary. Pastor B! Thanks for reminding me about the truth that NOTHING is lost or dead or irreversible with God. God will overturn natural laws for us to restore lost things to us. How can iron float? That defies the law of gravity. Awesome!

    But I recall one thing that got my attention in this story- The man had to stretch out his hand HIMSELF and take the axe head out of the water. So there is always a role for us to play. Our faith must move us to act. When God does his part, we must do ours. For with out acts, its dead......
