Wednesday 10 July 2013

Be thankful…It is the goodness of God

Have you noticed how we struggle with gratitude these days? Nobody wants to be grateful to another: but how can we appreciate goodness when we keep wanting more so that no one ever does enough to make us owe them gratitude. We quickly forget the good people do or we tell ourselves that they owed us that act of kindness just so that we don’t owe them gratitude. Sometimes we have such great arguments that by the time we are done, the other party feels like they truly owe us even for the opportunity to do them good. 

My pastor describes thanksgiving as a product of deep thinking, which as we know, a number of people are incapable of today. We are so lacking in depth that we are unable to be appreciative or show appreciation even to God. When we manage to thank God, we often do it perfunctorily, either at the beginning or end of our prayer. We have become so selfish that we even feel God owes us and so we owe Him no gratitude. Ingratitude is more than bad manners; it is a major character flaw that should not be ignored. If you find you have difficulties with being grateful, please be true to yourself; admit and deal with it. As the saying goes, “to yourself, please be true.” 

Romans 1: 21 “Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks…as a result, their minds became dark and confused.”

I dare to suggest that pride, which is one of satan’s most potent tool for destroying man, is often an underlying reason for ingratitude. People with deep sited pride must find a reason why they ought not to be grateful. The Levites who rebelled against Moses and Aaron would testify to this. Ingratitude is a terrible thing and may cost you very dearly just like it cost these Levites dearly; so dearly, almost their entire tribe, including the princes of the tribe, perished when the earth swallowed them. Meanwhile the Levites were a people once cursed but restored to a place of honor because they humbled themselves and sided with God in the time of Moses; but they ceased to think deeply and becoming ungrateful, they preferred the office of another and eventually incurred God’s wrath.

Numbers 3: 11-12 “And the Lord said to Moses, Look, I have chosen the Levites from among the Israelites to serve as substitutes for all the firstborn sons of the people of Israel. The Levites belong to me.”

We have to realize that in thanking man, we learn the art of thanksgiving which does not come to selfish man naturally. Also, in thanking man, we are ultimately appreciating God who placed the desire and will to do that good in the doer. For man in himself is not good; so, it takes God to place the desire to do well in any man. We must never forget that only God is good. Moreover, if we learn to identify and appreciate the acts of kindness of man, it causes thanksgiving to abound to God; because after you have thanked the man, you are still so full of thanks that you begin to thank his God. Let us learn to be thankful and also teach our children to be thankful.

Philippians 2: 15 “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”

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