Monday 30 May 2011

Little Foxes, Big Time Destroyers! Kill Them Today!

I guess I am in the season of looking at the small foxes in my life because more than ever before, I have been made aware of the fact that the little details really impact our lives and/or our walk with God: so much more than we think. At the end of the day, those little things could actually destroy our lives forever.

Songs of Solomon 2: 15NLT “Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming”

When we give our lives to Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell us with all of His goodness and we are then empowered to goodness of our God. From our inside, total transformation takes place and we are no longer the same.  As we draw nearer and nearer to God, all those ugly things begin to change. The little foxes have no choice but to leave us because we are now “possessed” by another Spirit which is the Spirit of God. The bible says old things are passed away. However, though there has been a transformation on the inside, we have to get used to acting out the “new us”. According to scriptures, we then begin to work our salvation with fear and trembling.

Philippians 2: 12b -13NLT “work hard to sow the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God working in you, giving you the desire ad the power to do what pleases Him.”

Unfortunately, we think it is okay to carry on as we were. We frustrate the Holy Spirit and distance ourselves from His presence and person because anyway we are busy; so we are unable to express outwardly all that is on the inside of us. Sometimes we are even so busy trying to establish our own righteousness that we leave the Holy Spirit who is on the inside of us trying to let us know that we can not earn the salvation. If only we can submit to Him so we can then easily begin to manifest the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, that is the character that we are expected to manifest as children of God.

Galatians 5: 22NLT “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

The converse is to manifest the fruits of the flesh. How can we be “possessed” by the Holy Spirit yet comfortable with manifesting the fruit of the flesh? The two are just really opposites and they do not connect at any point. This reminds of the saying that “satan has no problems with people going to church as long as they do not manifest the nature of God.” That way, he can use them in the church, to accomplish his purpose.
The impact of these seemingly little things in our lives cannot be exaggerated. These seemingly little things are some of the foxes that can actually destroy our lives forever. Our lives are like tender grapevines blossoming. May we not frustrate the work of God in our lives in Jesus name- Amen.

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