Monday 10 October 2011

Choices, Choices. What Choices Are YOU Making?

Choices! Choices! Once more I am thinking of choices. Isn’t it amazing how even the small choices we make affect our entire lives? The interesting thing about the effect of the choices we make is that very often, they do not immediately play out; they would often play out fully in the future. So that the choices we make today may be the strongest way to truly affect/impact our future. Your today is a very important part of your tomorrow except when God scraps everything and gives us a new beginning. 

Choices we make should be made based on principles and for the believer, our principles should be bible based. It is easy to tell what people believe from looking at their choices. When people live life believing nothing, all you need to do is look at the choices they make; it will have no pattern to it. Their choices build up to nothing and together, make no sense. For such people, the future is bleak. When they look into their future, all they see is nothingness. This is the reason a number of people end up in depression or some even commit suicide.

Hosea 8: “They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind.”

Galatians 6: 8 “Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature.”

Any choice made outside of bible based principles are rooted in the flesh. No matter how subtle the influence of the flesh may seem, it actually made the decision: and the flesh is influenced by the devil. It should not be so for believers but a lot of us still fall into this trap. As believers, if we do not take a definite stance in our minds regarding what we believe, we will do just about anything. We can’t be open- minded. If we are, we permit “the strange birds of the air to build safe nests in our minds” and we may end up like the people that do not know God.

Proverbs 4: 23 & 25 “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life….look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet: stay on the safe path.”

The choices we make can be likened to the blocks that add up to making a building. Every choice is a block added to the building. With every step taken in life, a decision is made and every decision is a choice. This is the reason Christians have to be deliberate. A wrong one could take you several steps back much later in life just like wrongly added blocks can be removed much later in the course of the building, but the owner of the house may suffer some loss. It is good to know however, that we have a God that can cause even our wrong choices to somehow work for our good.

I guess the most difficult choices are the ones between seemingly good things. It’s easier when the choice is between good and bad things. When they are all good things, we are in a dilemma but that is why we must exercise ourselves to discern the will of God at all times. The Holy Spirit always knows what is best for the immediate. 

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