Monday 3 October 2011

It's Time To Start Making The RIGHT Choices.

Choice! Choices! Life is full of choices. We wake up every day to choices that we have to make. As soon as you wake up, you are confronted with choices. You need to make a choice to get out of bed or to continue sleeping and that is how life goes on. The thing about these choices is that every one of them, no matter how insignificant it may seem, adds to move you closer or further away from fulfilling your destiny and also deciding where you end up eventually – hell or heaven.

Life is full of priorities and the fact that there is only 24 hours in a day does not help. It is almost as if God did that to ensure that we always prioritize. There are so many things to do every day and yet He expects you and I to find time to be alone with Him. Why? Why can’t I just deal with Him as I move on and go about the things that I do normally after all, He is everywhere and then He is also a Spirit?

God is a God that orders His priorities right and He made us in His image and likeness so that He knows we have the innate ability to order our priorities right too and make the right decisions. At some point in our lives, God begins to make a strong inroad into our lives. Though He does not force His way into any life, He ensures that you are very aware of His presence and His desire to become a major part of your life but then He leaves you to decide whether or not you want Him in your life. This is the first major decision that any man is confronted with and God’s desire is that we make the right decision.

Joshua 24: 15 “…then choose today whom you will serve”

From that point on, for those who make the right decision, which is to let God into their lives, decision making should become easier because the Holy Spirit begins to guide you and He is a knowledgeable guide. You have a witness inside you, a voice telling you that this is the path you should walk in. Do you ignore that voice? If you do, He will eventually leave you to begin to make the decisions yourself again. Simple as the choices may be, the consequences of each one of them may surprise you. Some of them have consequences that impact on our eternity. We must not make choices frivolously. The decision to drink a little alcohol finally put Lot in disobedience to God and we never heard about him thereafter.

Romans 8: 14 “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God”

Sometimes, the devil makes it look like as if it is a silly decision and won’t really affect anything but it may come back to haunt you many years down the line. We may say to ourselves that we would think through anytime we have to make decisions but reality is that sometimes, we do not have enough time to think through so what do you do? We need to be full of the Spirit and learn to discern His leading and follow it. The time has come when we must operate at the level God placed us. He did not make us like mere brute beasts that follow their instincts; He made us to follow His voice – the voice of the Holy Spirit. We must begin to train ourselves to discern that voice/will of God.

Romans 8: 9 “But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you”

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