Tuesday 21 September 2010

Come And Reason DEEPLY With Me Please!

People, do you hear and see the things happening amongst brethren? Do you know the extent to which sexual sins have settled in our lives? Interestingly, it is with no sense of remorse. Of course sin is an ugly word now. Nothing is sinful depending on how you look at it so talk of repentance is almost becoming extinct. Note; this is all happening in the church oh!

How we have perfected very crafty means through which we extort money and gifts from the brethren. We take advantage of fellow Christians who just want to help us. There is every evil work in our midst today. The sad and very uncaring ways that we deal with the challenges people go through. We tell men lies even in counsel knowing that the lies will destroy their souls and maybe ruin their lives forever. Have you noticed that the word ‘moderation’ has gone to the winds?

As for love amongst us, it is so dead that I’m wondering what Christ actually meant when he spoke of love. It’s all about backbiting and pulling one another down. Paul would probably be speechless if he was in today’s world. We lie so much that we live a lie. We are in competition comparing ourselves with ourselves instead of checking ourselves with the word of God. According to the bible, we are not wise

2cor 10: 12NLT – ‘oh, don’t worry; we won’t dare say that we are wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!’

This cannot be the bride that Jesus hopes to come for – one so greedy and in garments so stained? It is time to reason together. There must be something we can do because we definitely have a problem.

Do you know that it is our trust in Him that makes us hold on until he perfects all that concerns us and makes us do all we can to pay all the monies we owe instead of living the life that we can’t afford on other people’s money? Do you know the pain the person may be enduring because of the debt you owe? My heart bleeds for us Christians. Are we followers of Christ or of self? Is our life giving God pleasure or pain? Does our life cause men to give God glory?

I recognize that we are not perfect but we are called to holiness just like God is holy. We are called to lives that give Him pleasure. What is the point attending church daily, singing in the choir or being a minister/worker etc when your life causes Him pain? What is the point locking yourself up in your room praying for days and God makes a way for you to make just a little money and instead of paying your debts that shame may be removed from God’s name, you start living a frivolous life again?

I tell you judgment is starting in the house of God. It is time to make your personal decision. Whatever decision you make will be tested but rejoice Jesus has already conquered the world, sin and death.


  1. Pastor B! Personally, I am so miserable when anything I do discredits my stance as a Christian. And the words that cut me to the quick are 'And you call yourself a Christian?. So I try to do my best to make sure that nothing I do gives anyone the leeway to say these words to me.

    For the Body of Christ, my pain is triple fold! Lately, it looks like there is a smear campaign on the Church and I cannot help hearing all the bad news cos its is everywhere. And the sad thing is that, the stories are apparantely all true. But the point is the 'Body of Christ' is made up of people. Men and women. I wish people could see how much pain they are causing God with this kind of behaivour. Pastor Eskor used to say that maybe God should take us back to the old testament days when people would walk into church and drop dead! Yes, because they had dared to cross the threshold of his holy place with sin on their hands.

    But then again, Thank God for his mercies cos perhaps, I will be among the slain! But NO, I will not! I must not! Because I shall be doing my utmost to be HOLY as he has called me to be! I have to begin to TRULY REVER this our merciful God as he deserves. 'see finish' is worrying most of us!

    YES, we all must reason deeply about OUR OWN LIVES COS we as individuals make up the body of Christ.

    Sorry for such a long comment Pastor B! Thanks for always making me 'think deeply' about myself.

  2. I am beginning to think we don't even think anymore. We appear to be worse than those we call unbelievers. na wa o - all evil now exists in the church.Are we really believers? I pray we shall not be disappointed on that last day. DNW, we truly need to help. we must make this heaven. We can't have come this far to end up in hell. God forbid.

  3. My countenance hasn't been the same today after reading this. All I can do now is ask for God's mercy for me and mine just in case we have caused anyone pain. It's not a good place to be in.
    But the encouraging thing about God which I have personally experienced in my life is that if we genuinely seek the help we need He will extend His merciful hands to help us. It's that thing in our heads that keep telling us that we can't live above these little (now very big!)foxes; either that or we just don't care enough. Afterall it's happening everywhere and God hasn't killed them (just yet!).
    Like you said Pastor B, we aren't perfect, but most of us just end the struggle there by saying we aren't perfect because it's convenient to say so. I'll quote Pastor Eskor again like DNW when he said that if it's convenient, then it's not God. Tough but true.

    As for me, I'm encouraged to pursue perfection because God says it's possible. I'm not perfect and I'm sure people are lining up on a queue to tell me just that, but my eyes on Him Who has promised to keep me until the perfect day...and so shall it be in Jesus' Name. Amen!

    1. If trust Him, then we shall rely on Him and since His word cannot lie, then of a truth He shall keep us.
