Tuesday 5 November 2013

Please Don't Change Your Race; It's Part Of A Bigger Picture

I only have one biological sister but God has been gracious in giving me other sisters who are very special and uniquely crafted by Him; sisters fully equipped with talent, grace and strength to fulfill their individual purpose. Some are younger than I am and others are older but a few are just as old as I am. Of course some are closer to me than others so maybe I have grown to know and like them a little more but one thing is certain, I have found that my relationship with every one of them is different yet very special to me. Do I sound like they are many? That is not true, they are just a few; and like me, they are not perfect but they are my sisters.

One of these sisters is Bola Esssien Nelson who did all she could to ensure that I start blogging and still encourages me even today to go on. This blog is inspired by an article she posted on her blog a few days ago where she said something about ensuring that you are running your race on your track. What I like about the article the most is the fact that she says if you find you are on the wrong track, you can always make a u-turn. My prayer for anyone that may be on the wrong track is that God will open your eyes to see and give you the grace to be humble enough to accept the fact that you are making a mistake so that you can then make the required u-turn.

Galatians 5: 7 & 8 "You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth? It certainly isn’t God, for he is the one who called you to freedom."

It is so easy to get on the wrong track and run another person's race. Sometimes, it happens even unconsciously and before you know it, you are far gone. Sometimes, one is just moving with the crowd or friends and then they loose their identity and get confused as to who they are and what they should be doing. Sometimes it is even the problem of your counsellor who wants you to be just like him/her forgetting that if you turn out exactly like them, there is a huge possibility that you will end up on their track running their race. How sad it must make God to watch us leave our track. When I think about my sister friends, I thank God that they are not like me or like each other because their uniqueness makes each relationship very useful to me so that not one of them can replace the other.

Psalm 139: 13 & 14 "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it."

God made us all to fulfill a purpose. We are all part of a body and each one very important. Whenever we leave our roles, we cease to function and become less useful. What is worse is that you are so ill fitted for where you are that you start feeling very insecure and become a problem to every body because of your insecurities. Interestingly, you also become jealous of other people including the one whose race you are attempting to run. What you fail to realize is that even if the person left that track to you, you would still not be fit for it because it is not yours. I shudder to think that some believers may end up in hell because they were envious of another whose race they think they should be the one running.

2 Timothy 2: 5 "And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules."

These things are given by God and we must realize that. Fighting with and trying to pull down another believer will not move you forward. You may look like you are succeeding in the immediate but God will not be silent forever so that you will loose shamefully in the long run. I have seen it happen over and over again so I know for certain that God steps into such matters to do justice because He is a just God. Let me be the first to admit that sometimes I have very negative thoughts/feelings toward people and I am inclined to thinking that this happens to the best of us from time to time, but we must learn to turn such emotions to God seeking His help. Let me assure you that our Helper, the Holy Spirit, also helps in dealing with such emotions.

Proverbs 16: 25 "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death."

If you are reading this blog and a voice deep down is saying to you that you are one of such people who have become bitter against someone else whose race you are trying desperately to run, please stop now and ask God for help. The truth about life is that if they tell you the full story of what it cost them to remain on their track which you find so attractive, the track may become very unattractive to you. It is time to make that u-turn you have been needing to make. It is nothing to be ashamed of. What is shameful is that you are in somebody else's track. Everybody is wandering what you are doing there and of course you are miserable, bitter and frustrated, so please make that required u-turn now. You are special to God who crafted you wonderfully and fearfully that you may fulfill your purpose.

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