Tuesday 22 January 2013


Satan is truly a defeated foe. This fact though confirmed in scriptures, is often reaffirmed in various occurrences or incidences in life so that one cannot but smile again and again at the thought of this truth. I suspect that this truth may have been one of the things that flashed through Jethro, Moses father-in-law’s mind, after Moses told him all God did to set the Israelites completely free from Pharaoh and the Egyptians, when he made the profound comment below. He was so moved that he worshipped God with a sacrifice even after the comment.  

Exodus 18: 11NKJ ‘Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods; for in the very thing in which they behaved proudly, He was above them.” 

I don’t know what is going on in your life right now; if it is all going according to plan with everything falling into place and in alignment with what God told you then that is fine. However, for everyone whose life appears to be moving further and further away from all you heard from God so that satan appears to be getting his way, please be assured that satan is a defeated foe. God will step into the situation and in that very situation which is making satan celebrate because he thinks he has the victory over your life, God will not only step in but also establish His counsel and ultimate victory will be yours.

I am learning that we really need to be like God; seeing like He sees and thinking like He thinks. We will then have more peace and get greater victory. God is so calm in all situations because He is certain that there is only so far satan can go, no matter how far He appears to have gone. He knows for certain that at whatever point He steps into the situation, satan’s activities are halted immediately and all his influence and/or impact on that situation is reversed to align with God’s counsel.  An example is when God drowned the Egyptians in the red sea when they chased after Israel thinking they had an advantage because the Red sea would be a dead end which was correct but God stepped in and the advantage became their disadvantage; the water that should have stopped Israel stopped the Egyptians forever.

Hebrews 4: 2-3b ‘For this good news – that God has prepared this rest- has been announced to us just as it was to them. But it did them no good because they didn’t share the faith of those who listened to God. For only we who believe can enter his rest’

Please ensure that your eyes are continually on God and His word which is the very thing satan would prefer to have us avoid. Just focusing on the word of God brings one into the promised rest of God. This rest is not a physical place but a spiritual state which says though all is not well yet physically, you are certain about the veracity of the word and are constantly focused on the word of God such that you believe even when you do not yet have it in reality; with this attitude of mind and spirit, you will then have it the appointed time. All the storms we experience in life are to prevent us from enjoying this rest so that we end up not getting that which is ours. The instability is meant to distract you and if you are distracted, then your focus changes and you begin to see the storm only. Indeed, you may end up cursing God.  We must fight to remain in the right state not withstanding what we see today in our lives.

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