Tuesday 17 August 2010

In Christ, YOU Are 'Too Much'!

In recent times, I have been reminded of the joy that comes from living, moving and having our being in Christ. His goodness to us that is expressed in all the wonderful things He does for us, through us and in us. After much consideration, I have once again, come to the conclusion that without a doubt God is not only good but consistently good.

One thing we must bear in mind about our God is the fact that His thoughts are far from ours. So we often misunderstand and misinterpret Him. As mere mortals and in the times that we live in currently, we are not given to a lot of patience so we start making judgments before God completes whatever work He is doing. I have found that if we just hold on a little longer, we would be able to say at the end of every experience that God is good. According to the scriptures, no experience is wonderful whilst one is going through it but at the end of the day, we find that it works for our good.

Hebrews 12: 11 NLT – ‘No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way’

The first expression of God’s goodness to you and I is in the saving of our souls. I don’t understand why God would first send His son to die just for people like us. It really does not make sense to me and as far as I know we are undeserving. If you think otherwise, please share your thoughts in the blog. One thing I know though is that God is wisdom so there must be something about you and I that make us worth dying for. Though I don’t know what it is, it makes me feel very special and valuable. Then the abundance of gifts He gives makes me feel even more special though more often than not, I dislike His preferred means of delivery.
Isn’t it amazing that God has chosen to dwell in you? Please let us think seriously about what happens when we get born again. The bible tells us that the father, son and the Holy Ghost come to indwell us. Please note that they do not indwell everyone. They only indwell those whom they have chosen to indwell and YOU ARE CHOSEN.

Colossians 2: 9 – 10 NLT – ‘For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you are also complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.’

This is not something we can pay for. The giver already paid for all those that He wants to give this gift to. Worse still, we don’t even earn it. When I really think about it, I must be very special to be chosen for this awesome gift. There is definitely something about me that makes me very special.

This is truth that no one can change. You and I are ‘too much’ otherwise God will not waste His time with us. We must not let any man tell us otherwise. When we know that we know who we truly are, everything changes. We become very confident and people wonder if we are okay. We are so confident that it may be considered arrogance but it isn’t. It comes as a result of the knowledge of your price and how valuable you are. You are priceless.

Nobody and nothing can put a price to you and I. God already put a price that nobody else can pay – the blood of Jesus. Nobody else can pay anything greater than that so they can not buy us except we lower our price/self-worth. We must not reduce or be unmindful of our self worth; any of the two provides satan the opportunity to buy us over. He presents options that look good just because we already reduced our self worth. You are ‘too much’ already.


  1. I know this truth so well but recently found that it is waaaaaay easier to hold on to when all is going well. But at the end of the day, no matter what I am going through, good or bad, God loves me and wants the best for me. His love is constant and this is something that needs to permeate every fibre of my being cos that's the only way to fight off the ugly taunts and evil suggestions the enemy brings my way when things do not seem to be going as I believe they should or when prayers are not being asnwered they way I thought they should. Thanks Pastor B!

  2. It is amazing how a God so great and mighty could love us so. I admit that I've tried to reason it out or "work" to justify, but it is love given without merit in that Christ died for me while I was a sinner.
    When we have childlike faith in His person/love, we can be able to say in our trying times or when satan brings his accusations that "This here is my comfort, God loves me and I am the perfect man He says I am".

  3. The ennemy really does have evil taunts and guess what! they come as thoughts, words from friends and enemies alike. Its crazy but satan has ways of ensuring that we are taunted. Nobody is too big neither any too small to be affected. We always have to remember that God not only loves us but considers us very valuable and even 'uped' our value by paying such a high price for us. I am 'too much'

  4. As a matter of fact I am aware that I am too much and do admit that this knowledge has the tendency to make me (or any person) arrogant. It therefore becomes my responsibility to continuously tell myself that the reason why I am "too much" is not because of anything I have done but because a "Too Much God" in His mercy has chosen me and decided that He will make me “too much”. Sometimes it appears to be a bit of a conundrum – balancing humility with being “too much” - but I have found that we can strike the balance if we spend time with this God, study His word, understand and learn the fruits of the recreated Human Spirit. Thank God He made me "too much!!!!"
