Thursday 9 June 2016

Like In The Garden Of Eden And As With Eve

In my part of the world, many believers complain about believers, and definitely not without reason. Some of the worst culprits are found in our midst which is indeed reason for worry. I don’t know if it is the same anywhere else in the world but our story is bad. Though a huge number of us are believers, terrible things are happening. Our lives do not often bear evidence of the fact that we are believers and a lot of this has been attributed to “foundations” i.e. how people got saved and what they were taught as new believers; and maybe rightly so because people do “get saved” in interesting ways and for interesting reasons around here. I am not by any means suggesting that believers are perfect people; but they are people who understand that value and partake of the benefits of Calvary and make this reality evident in the way they live whilst taking on the responsibilities that come with electing to partake of these benefits. They are responsible and also a people of integrity because the Truth lives in them.  Life is not about them and how they feel but about The One who saved them and what pleases Him. Pleasing Him who saved them is their life’s ultimate goal in every situation.
1 Peter 2: 5 “And you are living stones that God is building into His spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the meditation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.”
1 Corinthians3: 11 “For no one can lay any Foundation other than the one we already have – Jesus Christ
One thing I have found from reading the scriptures is this, a man is either a believer in Christ Jesus or He is not - there is no middle ground. This is the foundation upon which our faith rest. Accepting Christ as one’s personal Lord and Savior takes a decision; it is not a process neither does He become your Saviour because you made a decision to and actually became a better person. Without making that initial decision, it is impossible to give one’s life a living sacrifice. The life of a believer does not in any way suggest that the believer will always be nice in the way man describes nice; Jesus Christ was often not the nicest of persons but He always did the will of His Father which was always good. To walk with God successfully, one must have a knowing that His thought toward Him are thoughts of good so that even when His actions seem painful, you know it is for a good cause otherwise you will leave Him. It is the same for everyone who chooses to do the will of God, they will often not be the nicest of persons because like Jesus, they are instruments in the hands of God to accomplish His will on earth. It might take some time to realize that they meant well. To serve God requires us to be of no reputation but we desire a reputation and followership. It is impossible to submit to God and yet guard your reputation or care about appearances. Death whilst yet living is impossible without the initial decision and difficult even after the decision; but a must if we must remain believers. This is the only way to be a worshipper. Worship is more than singing.
Romans 12: 1 “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”
Unfortunately, it becomes tough to understand the need to remain dead with all the different sermons we hear today. The devil is, like in the time of Adam and Eve, slightly twisting The Word of God”, trying to make a sensible gospel out of the gospel that is foolish to the wise and there are many wise in our midst so they gravitate very easily toward this “very sensible gospel” which requires one to hold onto their lives whilst yet remaining followers of Christ. This cannot be the gospel of Christ who Himself laid down His own life that the purpose of God may be fulfilled. Without death to self, we cannot please God. This new attack on our faith deals with seemingly simple subjects like love, being judgmental and so on. It, for example, describes a new kind of love that is so “flesh” and sensible that it is exactly the same love that the world preaches - lust. This love has no Truth in it so that it is not Christ out of it and so unable to release salvation so that people remain bound; for only the “The Truth sets free”. This love makes excuses for evil like jealousy, pride albeit subtle pride, and certainly demands its own way. It never rejoices for truth but for its establishment of its purpose and keeps record of wrongs. This is not the love that the bible preaches so how then can people be set free? Even if one’s faith was established on the right Foundation, you must guard what you believe and keep checking over and over again that you still believe The Truth. It is so easy to like Eve be carried away and not even know it. Moreover, no matter how bad our Foundations may be, God loves man so much that He made room for us to start again. You can rebuild it and if one has left the truth, they can be realigned. My question is – what do you believe today? Selah.
Ephesian 5: 9 – 10 “Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him. Don’t participate in these things people do. For once you were in darkness, but now you have light form the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. Carefully determine what pleases the Lord.”

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