Monday 9 March 2015

Knowledge of The Future Is Not Our Guide; Let God Guide You

I don't know if you have noticed but the desire to know the future is getting stronger than ever before even amongst believers and people are consistently being ripped-off and destinies are being destroyed for this reason. As with the current trend in life of getting everything instantly, we also have a problem of not wanting to "wait on God"anymore. We want everything so fast that God had better say everything about the future at the point we need the information and He had better be fast about saying it. We have forgotten that waiting on God is also an indication of the fact that we look to Him as children waiting on their master which said act reminds us of who we are and how much we need or are dependent on Him. Again, who knows, maybe we just don't want to be dependent on any other being anymore because we feel more powerful when we feel we are self-reliant.

Psalm 123: 2 "We keep looking to the LORD our God for his mercy, just as servants keep their eyes on their master, as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal."

This seeming impatience which is actually one of the devices of the enemy to ruin our lives, has become the downfall of several believers today. I don't know about your area but in my geographical location, it honestly is. Believers now go from place to place, night vigil to night vigil, church to church seeking to know the future which has led many astray. I have seen the lives of many true believers destroyed for this reason; many have been deceived into accepting the voice of the stranger as the voice of God. What makes it really confusing is when one sees people who had known the voice of God and followed it deceived into following the voice of the stranger all because they were desperate to know the future. I accept that it will make life easier for everyone if we only know what to expect but God has not made it so. He says we only know in part. Moreover, we must always remember that our walk with God is a walk of faith. God has never deceived us about that. He wants us to trust Him, who knows everything, enough to place our life in His hands. If we know everything, it ceases to be a walk of faith? 

1 Corinthians 13: 9 "Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!"

2 Corinthians 5: 7 "For we live by believing and not by seeing."

Any prophet that pretends to have a full picture of your life is a liar. Please run away from him. If you give him money, you are not sowing a seed but paying a man to ruin your life. This craze for knowing the future is so strong that even the true servants of God who sit in the office of the Prophet are sometimes put under intense pressure to become fore tellers. Please do not let anyone use you in the way God has not ordained for you to be used. If you abuse your gift, the anger of God will be against you and it is not an excuse that some other people pressured you into doing the wrong thing. We just must stop looking for that which God has chosen not to reveal for a period and work with that which is revealed. I am certain that God will not withhold from us, any information we need to succeed. Moreover, the nearer we draw to God, effectively communicating with Him, the more information we are able to receive from God as to how to successfully go forward in life. 

Deuteronomy 29: 29 “The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions."

I honestly believe that if we effectively and fully work with the revealed things, we will fulfill our destinies. Unfortunately, instead of working with what is revealed, we waste our time and energy trying to get that tiny piece of the jigsaw that God has chosen to withhold and this has cost many their souls. There is no need to be so desperate to know everything when we walk with the one who knows it all and who will never leave us. As long as we are with Him, we are safe. He is the God who ensures that those who allow Him hold their hands, get to their predestined end. He never leaves us without that information we need to succeed which is why He says His sheep hear His voice because He leads them by His voice.

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