Monday 29 April 2013

Wake – up lazybones! God did not make you lazy! It’s an excuse.

Do you know that most people on earth have the tendency to be lazy if they allow themselves do whatever they feel like doing. Even people that work hard today and you think they could never survive without working may have been lazy if they had followed their feelings. A number of hardworking people we see made a decision not to be lazy; while others were so traumatized by their parents about laziness that they could not but work hard. Just to be certain I understand the word, I checked the dictionary for the meaning of the word and chose a simple one which describes laziness as, apart from being the same word as indolence, disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability.

Proverbs 12: 24 “work hard and become a leader, be lazy and become a slave.”
Proverbs 21: 25 “Despite their desires, the lazy will come to ruin, for their hands refuse to work.”

My worry today is the number of believers that honestly believe that we are meant to be the head and not the tail and pray seriously about being the head but are lazy. My thing is this, even if for purposes of argument, you wake up one day and by stroke of something, you find yourself head, you will then have to work as head. Successful headship or leadership requires hard work. If God got you there, you have to work to keep the job otherwise even He would have to remove you because He is the ultimate employer. Be assured no employer wants to keep paying lazy staff whether they are physically or brain lazy or even both. At some point the employer is fed up no matter how nice the staff is.

Proverbs 10: 26 “Lazy people irritate their employers, like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes.”

To quit laziness is a decision. When we set out to work hard, heaven supports us by giving us abundant grace. The grace is available to all so stop making the excuse that some people have the grace; you have it too but have decided to continue in laziness. I am convinced that it is a quality that is acquired. The seed is in everyone, at least every believer because God knows you cannot be head without working hard. Moreover, He tells us that if you don’t know how to work hard, you can learn from the ants. God did not say to get the energy from the ants because He knows you have it; He says learn from the ants or be challenged/provoked by the ants. 

Proverbs 6: 6 “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!”

The bible is replete with scriptures that show God’s disgust for laziness so why would He be so “mean” as to make you lazy? Do you honestly think He looked at you and decided He hates you so He made you lazy? The problem with people who refuse to leave the lazy zone is that they have all sorts of excuses for being lazy so that they have great difficulties accepting counsel that would bring the required change into their lives. They are certain they know what they are talking about when in truth they don’t; all they are doing is making excuses because they do not feel like working hard. The thing is such people are carnal Christians who resist the word of God and are happy to live according to the dictates of their flesh. My question to you is this – will you really be the head?

Proverbs 25: 26 “Lazy people consider themselves smarter than seven wise counselors.”

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