Monday 24 December 2012


Let me start by wishing you the very best Christmas you ever had. I appreciate that you have been finding time to read my blog which I do not take for granted. There are so many things we love to do in but can’t find the time to do; so it means a lot to me that you find time to read my blog. My prayer is that, this blog will be for you, a light that leads you to that hidden treasure meant for you in the same way that the star led the wise man to Jesus.
The story of the wise men is one I still find intriguing though I have known it since I was a child. These men knew that Jesus would be born and interpreted the star which announced his birth accurately. They had an idea where He would be born but did not know the actual location; thank God for the star that finally led them but this was not before they had tried in their own way to locate Jesus. Unfortunately, this effort in their own strength led to several deaths.

Mathew 2: 6 “After this interview the wise men went their way. And the star they had seen in the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place.”  

I have found that worldly wisdom and intellectual power without the leading of God and His wisdom would only take one so far. For the wise men to have been called wise in bible days, they must have had great knowledge. To have identified the star and interpreted it correctly, they definitely were wise but all that wisdom could not take them to their God given gift – the messiah. It was just enough to move them out of their comfort zone and this God does often.

When it is time to relocate, He allows things that make you comfortable to move; as you move certain that you have all you need and trusting in that fact, everything falls apart leaving you lost and confused. Then you are compelled to seek help. If you turn to Him, though He will insist on leading you, He will take you to the destination. The problem is with ‘having to follow’; it makes the process appear tough and slow.  Unfortunately, not following may be very costly. 

God, who knows all things, already foresaw that wrong judgment we would make if left on our own and its consequences, so He offers us the benefit of His wisdom. Who would have thought something as innocent as stopping by to see the king or even pay homage would cost so many children their lives and cause such great sorrow to so many families? This one “polite and/or gracious act” cost so many lives. How one seemingly innocent and/or thoughtless act can be so grievously damaging. These are some of the reasons God likes to guide us and order our steps. 

The bible says wisdom is better than weapons of war so that if we walk in His wisdom then we will constantly walk in victory avoiding the unnecessary battles thereby conserving strength for the necessary ones. As we celebrate the birth of the All-wise one, let us ask for wisdom amongst other things. The fact that you did not realize the extent of damage that your innocent or gracious gesture would provoke will not lessen the damage or justify the act. We cannot afford to continue in stupidity when we have a father who is wisdom personified. I wish all a MERRY CHRISTMAS

1 comment:

  1. Interesting perspective. Merry Christmas
