Monday 12 December 2011


This week, I am still ‘pressing’ that I might apprehend that for which Christ apprehended me. I am in a fight to take all that God has given me though I am mindful of the fact that the weapons with which I fight as well as my fight are spiritual. There is some kind of urgency and resoluteness in my spirit to take all that God has made available to me and then move on. I feel like I have been taking just enough or less but I now want all that should have been mine but I missed and all that is been able available to me.

Philippians 3: 14 “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us.”

I was talking with members of my church prayer team a few days ago and found that there are a number of other people who also feel some kind of urgency in their spirit; they also feel the need to ‘press’: to enter into the next level in their bid to apprehend the purpose for which they were apprehended.
Apart from distractions we discussed last week, we need to look inward, in a ‘godistic’ way, to enable us drop off excess luggage as we press. (‘Godistic’ is that which is more real than what is considered reality – the mind of God as revealed in His word). Introspection is tough because it humbles the flesh by revealing the ugly side of you but necessary for shedding excess weight but the Holy Spirit is ever ready to help us. We owe it to ourselves to get ‘godistic’ and tell ourselves some truths; truths that no one else may ever tell us but only God will.

Psalm 4: 4b “commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still.” 

We need to stretch ourselves beyond our normal limits. We need to push limits and boundaries we had in our lives and within which we walked, that we may come up to the next level. Even if you just moved up to where you are at so that you just made a lot of changes and are thinking you have done well, it is time to move again. Who knows maybe you where way behind on God’s calendar and need a lot of catching up-talk about been stretched.

Philippians 3: 12 “I don’t mean to say I have achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.”

In pushing the limits, we are looking at our entire life. We need to note however, that our boundaries must only be stretched or pushed within the limits of God’s word. So, let us push the limits of our love and then self-control which may increase our level of submission to the Holy Ghost. Self-control will empower us to be more productive since it makes us disciplined. It is an exercise of authority over our flesh. It would help us to be quiet enough to hear God’s voice about what we want to say so that we will speak more wisdom. We have allowed our flesh run our lives for too long. As we commune with our hearts before God, He will show us what other limits we need to push.

Philippians 3: 3 “For we are the circumcision which worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.”

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