Monday 31 January 2011

The Sad Paradox In Our Churches - 'Christian' Fraudsters.

It is worrisome the number of fraudulent born again believers we have. Worse is the alarming ease with which they defraud people and carry on as if all is well. It is bad enough that they defraud people but even worse that they defraud believers knowing the full weight of the punishment of God that will be unleashed on them even if it takes a while for it to happen.  Recently, I thought to check the scriptures again to see if there is a scripture I missed in the past that allows you defraud others and still end up in heaven. I have not found one and I do not think I will find.

I do not think I am the best of people so this is not looking at things from the position of a perfect man. I have all my challenges that I am daily trying to overcome. Could defrauding people be one of those challenges that some Christians are fighting like every other sin? I truly need some help here please. I have had experiences with fraudulent believers’ even ministers who actually preach from the pulpit. They even defraud members of their congregation. The other day I had to beg some people not to arrest an assistant parish pastor from the church whilst he was preaching. Well, I thought we should show some respect for the God of the church but the truth – the man is more or less a thief. 

One of the most commonly used phrases amongst believers in my environment currently is “I am work in progress”. The truth however, is that there is no work going on. If anything, it would be that we are progressively getting steeped in evil. In truth we are retrogressing. Let us face it, there is always an outward expression of an inward change so please do not deceive yourself. Is your nature getting better? Isn’t it amazing how proud we are of sin? Someone actually said that you can continue in sin as long as you remember to exchange your unrighteousness for God’s righteousness. That sure sounds like some form of blasphemy. Isn’t it making a mockery of all that Jesus went through on the cross? SELAH

2 Cor 5: 17 NLT “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun”

The old nature passes away; the sin nature is no longer there. If you sin, it would be an accident. Something the Holy Spirit immediately makes you aware of and you ask for forgiveness sincerely. So that the blood of Jesus then cleanses you from that sin. However, if you continue in sin, the bible says in

1 John 3: 9b – 10NLT “Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God. So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God”.

Do you love other believers by smiling at them yet using them? Do you love them by ripping them off and living lavishly off their pain? Do you give money generously in church at the expense of other people’s pain? It is time to renounce all the hidden works of darkness. The Apostle Paul says “let he that steals steal no more.” Remember you can also restitute.

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