Monday 5 March 2012


Life!!! It is tough. So many issues that leave one confused. Friends fail you, challenges everywhere from health issues to mentally challenged children; painful loses, the list is endless. Then you wonder – should these things happen to Christians? Thoughts like that have sent people into depression. Do you know that believers now commit suicide frequently? Well the question is this - do you think all of this is as a result of sin or “have they stepped out of spiritual cover,” which is another spiritual phrase for “they are in sin.” Before you answer, remember that the tower of Siloam fell on both sinners and good people.

We have tried severally to explain those things that we do not understand but at the end of the day, they are left unexplained. Deep down in our hearts, we are not satisfied with the reasons we have come up with because we know they are all intellectual attempts at explaining spiritual things. How does anybody even contemplate to do that? But we do! Pray tell, what would be the end – frustration and a lot of nothingness. Solomon would have called it “vanity.”

If you ask me, I do not believe that God’s plan for us is that these challenges are victorious over us neither do I think we are faced with challenges, always because we are in sin. I shall not pretend like I have all the answers because I don’t: however, it appears we are a generation that is too hasty to seek counsel from God and too wise to care what He thinks. We have so much to do and are so smart that tarrying before God has become unnecessary. So, instead, we trivialize the reality of being led by the spirit of God. We are lazy and have a careless attitude to life.

Instead of weeping before God when we no longer hear His voice, we alter our theology; and by so doing, have created our own form of godliness. Some of us actually say, hearing God is impossible in our time. How can we then display His power? Meanwhile, Satanists wait on him unashamedly until they believe they have heard him. We have taken this lackadaisical attitude toward God and the things of God too far and the consequences are heavy. We need to stop; we must revisit the basics of our faith. 

We can’t continue to suffer defeat where we ought to enjoy victory. We need to begin to realize that there is always a price to pay and we are empowered to pay it. Jesus paid a price to get the name above all names. He was faced with several challenges but none defeated Him. Unbelievers more often than not, think things through before making decisions; but we just do what we want to do believing that it is the responsibility of angels to catch us always whenever we decide to jump. Many Christians have been known to die like that. 

It is time to get serious. We are either going to follow God in the way He has chosen or we decide for another faith. I don’t always get it right; but I have decided that I must keep trying to get it right with God. There is a ‘God way,’ let us find it and walk in it though narrow it is. I am tired of stories that make our faith appear ridiculous and powerless. Life indeed presents everybody with challenges; but we are more than conquerors through Christ.

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