Monday 20 June 2011

Gossip? You? Please NO!

Truly Jesus was correct when He said if you want to be a disciple, you have to deny self, then carry your cross and follow Him. You will have to say “no” to self if you must succeed in this walk with God. Self-indulgence tends towards poverty of the soul. Denying self, empowers our Spirit man thereby strengthening us to live a life in the Spirit.

One of the “little foxes that destroy the vine” is gossiping; or if you like tale bearing. My dictionary tells me that a gossip/talebearer is someone who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts; or carries rumor or report of an intimate nature. Please stay away from gossips or kill the seed if it’s in you.

Proverbs 20: 19NLT “A gossip goes around telling secrets, so don’t hang around with chatterers.”

The sad thing about the talebearer is they think they are destroying their victim but gossiping is more self destructive. It is a habit that eats the gossip up slowly so he does not realize he is being destroyed. God is against gossiping; clearly, it attempts to destroy the church that He is building.

”Proverbs 26: 22 - 23 NLT “Rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into one’s heart. Smooth words may hide a wicked heart, just as a pretty glaze covers a clay spot
It is so sad that in the church today, gossiping is rife; not just mere gossip but ferocious gossip where we truly tear down one another with total disregard for God and His presence in our midst. Worse still, you lie so much to make the victim look bad and the story more interesting. Why won’t it cause a lot of fighting? Clearly it is not a fruit of the spirit.

Proverbs 26: 20NLT “Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.”

Christians have perfected several ways of gossiping. It could even be through raising a prayer point or sharing a testimony and in a “seemingly reverential” attitude. The sad thing is sometimes, we actually feel the restraint of God but we ignore the voice and go on to say things that should not be said and tell lies potent enough to destroy the victim but sadly the gossip is so self absorbed he can’t see beyond self. Be certain that like a boomerang it will return to destroy you.

Be true to yourself, every gossip knows when they are just gossiping. It is not something that is done inadvertently. The objective is always clear in your mind as you start the story. Please STOP whenever you know its gossip. If we cannot deny self, we would only be going round the cross which we must carry, to be disciples.

1 comment:

  1. Once again Pst B, na wa. It seems you are in the season of giving "red eyes". But all is well, we will learn to take the blows. The truth is you are speaking the mind of God on the little things that can derail us.

    The devil has succeeded in taking our focus as Christians from these very subtle killers of our Christian testimony, and making us to look to the high sounding "christian achievements" such as the "prophetic word', "cutting edge exposition" the "power gifts" and "signs and wonders", "material and financial blessings and prosperity"etc, which in themselves are not bad, as originally intended to be means to the end of attaining the measure of the full stature of Christ.

    Unfortunately, we have elevated these to be ends in themselves, rather than means to the end of achieving Christ-likeness, and left out the subtle killers that we ought to give serious attention.

    May the Lord help from delighting in the tasty morsels of gossip.
