Tuesday 3 February 2015

Can You Stand For Another To Be Great?

As believers we ought to work to help one another enter into greatness. It has become worrisome to see, now more than ever before, believers use and/or destroy another believer that they may be great. This is certainly not the path to the greatness that God ordained. You can not be truly great if you can not stand for another to be great. We have forgotten how to prefer one another in love; instead we fiercely compete against one another and would stop at nothing to totally destroy another so that we can be "great" or perceived as such. It is sad to note that this is not only happening amongst baby Christians but even amongst teachers of the word of God. It ought not to be so.

Romans 12: 10 "Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other."

This is not God's plan and a lot of us know that. If God in speaking to Abraham's seed, Israel, promised them all that they would be "the head and not the tail" and went on to say all believers have a right to those promises, then God has made room for everyone to be great so that one believer's greatness should not in any way affect or prevent another believer from becoming great. It is not the Spirit of God but an evil satanic spirit that causes believers to pull down one another to climb higher and the truth is such people never attain to true greatness. They think they are great because of the things they may have acquired or the position they have attained but true greatness is more than things; it is in you and it is you with or without the things or position.

Deuteronomy 28: 13 "If you listen to these commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today, and if you carefully obey them, the LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom."

I am not by any means putting down acquisition of things or attaining to positions of honour but we must realize that the end does not justify the means in the kingdom of God; the means which translates to the process, is just as important as the end. God has said in His word that the end of people who attain to heights using ungodly means would be bad. So bad that even The psalmist says when he saw their end, he no longer desired to be like them or acquire the things they have. When God opens one's eyes to see the end of such people, you just want to step aside for them rush past but the truth is they will still not be satisfied until they think they have destroyed you. They will never notice that not only are you not competing with them, you have totally stepped aside.

Psalm 73: 17 - 19 "Then I went into your sanctuary, O God, and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked. Truly, you put them on a slippery path and send them sliding over the cliff to destruction. In an instant they are destroyed, completely swept away by terrors."

Of course some believers do these things because they are outright wicked and very mean. Such believers resist any transformation based on the word of God so they refuse to allow their minds be renewed. For a lot of people however, these acts of wickedness stem from one form of insecurity or the other. Insecurity tends to make people very selfish and wicked yet they are unaware that they hurt others. Feeling hurt by hurt others and thinking themselves wonderful, they blame everyone else for not responding right to them. At the end of the day, life it is all about them. If we find that we suffer from one form of insecurity or the other, we must deal with them. Please stop making excuses for yourself. The bible says them that know their God shall be strong. This is strength on the inside of us which is all we need to deal with all issues we need to deal with. Knowing God helps us find ourselves so that we then know who we are. If you know who you are, you truly are a strong person. Something changes inside you.

Acts 17: 28 "For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring."

From person to person, insecurities manifest in different ways which are all very ugly and it is sad that victims of such people are afraid to tell them the truth for fear of being called "mean and judgmental" but the Holy Spirit lets you know. What do you do with that information from the Holy Ghost? I am convinced that no insecure person can attain to their God-given heights if they do not deal with their insecurities. Even your relationships will suffer and you will keep blaming the other people but the problem is inside you and yet you think you are wonderful. Some otherwise kindhearted believers have become bitchy, mean and all other evil things all because of insecurities. The truth is nobody has to keep enduring that hardship. If you don't deal with yourself, you may loose everyone and the truth is you need other people to fulfill your destiny. We must learn to manage relationships. We must deal with ourselves and learn to build godly relationships with people whilst preferring them in love, yet working within the limits of each relationship.

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