Monday 5 January 2015

Let us start afresh – Welcome to 2015

Happy New Year! So 2015 is here and we are excited but we must be careful to ensure that we enter this year with a very different attitude. I do know that a number of believers experienced difficulties and/or hardship in the past year which already colored 2015 for them but in truth, this year is different. The world’s prognosis for 2015 is obviously not exciting particularly in Nigeria, but we must remember that we are different and belong to another nation so that we operate under a completely different government. Our God is the Governor of our own nation and His prognosis for this year, is that we will shine. God is not moved by all that we are going through or the seeming deadness of our situation; none of that impacts on or is relevant for whatever He chooses to do. 

Genesis 1: 1 – 2 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”

There is nothing too difficult for Him; He is able to bring order into disorder like He did in the beginning when everything was so messed up that it was described as having no form. I cannot imagine anything that could have been worse than the situation of the earth as described hereinabove. It was so bad; its form could not be described. It must have been really twisted and it was empty yet the Holy Spirit was hovering over it so God was well aware of all that earth was or had become; though He was close by, He waited until the right time to step in. It is said that there is a number of years between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis so that something had happened to the earth God created in verse 1 before verse 2. If that is correct, then isn’t there cause to wonder why God did not make a move to stop the destruction of the earth before it got so bad especially since He knew He would have to fix it. These are some of the things we can’t explain about God so that the fact that He watched your life getting messed up by the devil or you has nothing to do with whether or not He can or will fix it.

Genesis 1: 3 “Then God said, let there be light, and there was light.”

No matter how bad it was last year, please lift up your head again and look up to Him in this year. Set your eyes on Him who is light that you may see through His eyes because if you can see with your spiritual eyes, it makes a huge difference. When a king sent soldiers to capture Elisha, Elisha was calm because he saw God’s army all around them and not just the army of the enemy but Gehazi was troubled until his eyes of the spirit were opened because he only saw the enemy’s army. Reality was that the enemy had surrounded them but Elijah had a different perspective to the mess or troubled situation they were in; He saw what God saw and so was certain that God was in control. If you can see, then your perspective can change and that is the beginning of liberty. We must do all we can to see through God’s eyes this year so that we will not be miserable. Even God needed to see for Him to make changes to that crazy situation described in Genesis 1: 2. God is not moved by the extent to which one’s life can get messed up because He is certain that He is able to fix it all just like He did for Job.

Job 42: 12a “So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning.” 

So please let us write out who we are on a piece of paper, put it in front of us or where we can always see it so we can be reminded always of who we are and whose we are. It goes a long way to increasing our faith. Remember that your current situation, good or bad, does not describe you; God in His word describes you. You shall fulfill your destiny in the name of Jesus. Also, remember to apply yourself to doing what your hands find to do. There is no room for laziness with God.

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