Monday 23 July 2012


This is a question that people asked concerning Jesus. Thank God Jesus knew who He was and was certain that He was “something good” though He had come out of Nazareth. Today, the devil asks us the same question, in a manner of speaking, from day to day. When he asks this question, he wants to make mockery of us, to laugh in our faces and make us feel small. He knows that if he can make us feel small, we would most likely not attain unto the greatness ordained for us. The easiest way for the enemy to achieve his purpose in our lives is to make us defeat ourselves; one of his best tools to achieve that is ensuring that we see ourselves as grasshoppers. Once you do that, he then becomes a giant to you so that the battle is tougher and the walls insurmountable.

Yes something good can come out of Nazareth; indeed the truth of the matter is that God is in the habit of bringing good things out of Nazareth. It does not matter where you are at when you allow Him be Lord in your life; He takes over and begins to work good. Whenever the devil whispers that question to us, the straight up answer should be a loud “yes.” Indeed that we answer is just to enable us shut out the voice of the devil otherwise I would say don’t even dignify him with an answer. It is not about Nazareth but about the God of Nazareth; meaning it is about the God in your life. He is able to take you wherever you need to be to move you up. 

1 Samuel 2: 8 “He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord’s, and He has set the world in order.”

Be assured that God did not carelessly elect to bring forth His son from Nazareth. It was deliberate and I believe that one of the messages He sends by doing that is that we must never measure ourselves by where we are at or where we are from. In electing what family you were born into, He was not unmindful of your destiny – which is that you shall be great; yet He allowed you to be born into that “seemingly wretched family”. He definitely knows that you do not need to be born into a royal family to become king. When Kate Middleton was born, nobody thought she would one day be queen but she is right now in direct line to be queen someday.  

Genesis 26: 22 “Abandoning that one; Isaac moved on and dug another well. This time there was no dispute over it, so Isaac named the place Rehoboth (which means “open space”), for he said, “At last the Lord has created enough space for us to prosper in this land.”

You don’t have to be born into a family with great inheritance to be great. Our God knows how to make room for us exactly where we should be. He did it for Joseph when it was His time and an office that never existed in Egypt was created for him instantly. Where you were born or the family you were born into has no power to determine your destiny. It is always written; and can only be rewritten by you. For with God, whatever is written is settled forever. That is why we are certain that if we walk with Him, our latter end shall always be greater than the former.

Be assured that it is never too late for you. The key thing however, is to ensure that He is Lord in you r life. He has to be in control to achieve His purpose. Is He truly Lord in your life?

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