Monday 14 November 2011

The 'Dead' In Christ

I just returned from a mission trip which lasted only a few days so maybe that is the reason I feel the way I do. I am right now very frustrated with a reality I see in the body of Christ which is the phenomenon of believers in Christ who to all intents and purposes are actually dead. I call them the “dead in Christ.” Please bear with me as I explain.

These are born again believers, living physically but concerning their walk with Christ, totally lifeless. The only reason you know they are born again is because they say so and maybe because you see them go to church regularly on Sundays. Of course if they are a part of my denomination, then they would probably also be in church every Tuesday and Thursday. They talk the talk and may actually “live a seemingly righteous life” but have no fire or enthusiasm in them. Some of them continuously complain about how boring life is in Christ and express their preference for the life sin offers but would probably not cross the line because of the fear of burning in hell fire. These are the people I refer to today as the dead in Christ. There is call from the heavens for such people to begin to live.

Ephesians 5: 14 “Awake o sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”

How can we take our environment or even nations for Christ without the fire of God burning on the inside of us? The fire is the light in us that illuminates the world for Christ. The fire burns uncontrollably if we let Him because that fire is God and our God is a consuming fire. This fire manifest Himself through us as zeal or enthusiasm but zeal with knowledge. When zeal is not backed by knowledge of the word of God, it eventually dies out or becomes the zeal of the flesh. When that fire burns on the inside of you, anyone that comes in contact with you can tell that there is something about you even when you have not said anything to them about Christ; for the fire cannot be hidden. No wonder God likens us to a city set on the hill and cannot be hidden. We cannot help but affect our environment.

2 Corinthians 9: 2 “infact it was your enthusiasm that stirred up many of the Macedonian believers to begin giving.”

It is time to make the decision to either be hot or cold. Clearly God does not like nor does He respect lukewarm people. Since God is a consuming fire, He is clearly not lukewarm. A consuming fire cannot be lukewarm. This is not about being a worker in church or being ordained as a minister. It is not about appearing very busy for God when in truth we are doing what pleases us. It is time to repent from dead works and let Christ ignite this fire which only He can ignite and keep burning as we yield to Him. This fire helps us win the small battles of our lives as we progress to the bigger ones. It is time to be hot for God; time to evaluate our works - what motivates them? Since we want to please God, let us grant Him His desire/wish.

Revelations 3: 15 “I know all the things you do that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! but since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!”

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