Monday 11 April 2011

Prayer....A Never-Ending Conversation with God.

Generally, prayer is something we talk about but do little of except of course when we are in trouble. We talk about praying so much that we actually think we have prayed. In this season leading up to Easter, please let us pray as much as we can for “prayer truly changes things” and for good. Remember also that Jesus was, in the place of prayer, empowered to do the ultimate will of God (to die on the cross) which brought Him into His glory. Like Jesus, let us tarry in the place of prayer and see if God will not move us particularly in this season when Christians all over the world are praying.

Philippians 4: 6 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”

Of course, no one can truly claim to know or understand everything that happens in life or the dynamics that affect the things that happen in life. We can only know what God reveals to us and He has not revealed everything to one person. As the bible says, we only know in part until the end when the fullness of things will be revealed. Until then, we shall be required to commune with our father in heaven consistently to ensure that we have the information and victory that we require to walk in dominion. We can only get this in the place of prayer.

Luke 18: 1 “one day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up”

Jesus during His lifetime, stayed so connected to His father in the place of prayer that He heard Him always. He showed us a life style of power built on prayer. So also God tells us things when we stay connected with Him. If we have an active prayer life, we will hear Him for ourselves so that whatever else anyone tells us, will be some kind of confirmation. Won’t you like to hear the father for yourself talking  to you just like a father speaks to His child?

Don’t let anybody deceive you; nobody can pray for you like yourself. Reason is simple; nobody feels your pain like you do. All you need to know to make your prayer effective is in the word of God and anyhow instead of praying for you, why don’t they teach you what you need to know to pray effectively for yourself? We know for a fact that Christ lived, died and was raised from the dead that we may be reconciled to God. Through Him, we have access to the father. He is ever willing not only to teach us how to pray but also guide us as we pray and ensure that we pray right through the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8: 26 “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning which cannot be expressed in words”

Prayer is not seasonal nor is it subject to fashion. It ought to be a way of life for us. We need to pray.

1 Thessalonians 5: 17 “Never stop praying”

1 comment:

  1. I was trully blessed by the word today. It came at a time when I had started been anxious about an issue in my life. Prayer is the key. God has ordained that He will only move in the affairs of men if we pray. Why? Because the God of the whole earth wants a relationship with us, how awesome is that! After reading your blog, I prayed and to God be the glory I am back in faith. Prayer helps you put your focus back on God and suddenly you see His greatness, His bigness, and the smallness of your issue. How could I have doubted Him. It will be wicked to doubt God in the light of the mercy He has shown me. May the light of the glorious gospel of Christ continue to shine in your heart in Jesus name. God bless.
